This seems to be a question everyone is curious about. Yet few take the time to search the words of the Quran or even Injil or Zaboor, which tells some things about Jesus also. So let’s take a look at 12 interesting things the Quran tells us about Jesus:
1. Jesus was the only person to be born of a virgin, distinguished from all humans and prophets:
She said, How shall I have a son, whom no mortal has touched, neither have I been unchaste. He said, Even so thy Lord has said: Easy is that for Me; and that We may appoint him a sign unto men and a mercy from Us. It is a thing determined.
– Sura Miriam 20 and 21
2. Jesus is different from all other prophets as he is the Kalimatullah (Word of Allah)
The Messiah, Isa son of Mary, Allah’s Messenger, and His Word…
– Sura The Women 171; Sura al Imran 40
3. Jesus was born from the spirit of Allah; for this reason He did not need a traditional, genetic birth.
The Masih, Isa Son of Mary, Allah’s Messenger, and His Word that He committed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him.
– Sura The Women 169
4. Jesus spoke while in the cradle.
[Jesus, the baby] said, “Indeed, I am the servant of Allah . He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet…
– Sura Miriam 19:30
Also, the Quran tells us that Christ needed no one to teach Him anything, not even how to speak.
Who hath directed the spirit of the Lord, or being His counselor hath taught Him knowledge and showed to Him the way of understanding.
– Isaiah 40:1,13-14
5. Jesus was the only perfect prophet.
All other prophets have sinned. Even though this not a popular viewpoint, their actions and sins were mentioned in both the Quran and Taurat. Isa was the only sinless one.
Highly honored shall He (Isa) be in this world and the next.
– Sura al Imran 45
Also, the influential Arab writer and imam Al-Bukhari taught about the perfection of Prophet Jesus:
Satan pokes with his finger the side of every human at birth, except Jesus, son of Mary; when he went to poke Him, he poked the curtain.
– Hadith of Sahih Bukhari Vol 4, Book 54
6. Jesus was distinguished from all other prophets because, through Allah, he gave life:
I will create for you out of clay as the likeness of a bird; then I will breathe into it and it will be a bird.
– Sura al Imran 42
7. Only Jesus could know other men’s secrets
I will inform you too of what things you eat, and what you treasure up in your houses. Surely, in that is a sign for you if you are believers.
– Sura Al Imran 48
8. Jesus performed miracles and signs which no other prophet could.
And I will also heal the blind and the leper…
– Sura Al Imran 48
9. Only Jesus could raise the dead.
And I will bring life to the dead…
-Sura al Imran 48 & Sura The Table 110
(The Injil also tells the story of Jesus raising Lazarus after he had been dead several days)
10. Only Jesus received the honored title of Masih (i.e. the chosen one).
The Masih, Isa son of Miriam, was Allah’s Messenger, and His Word committed to Miriam…
– Sura The Women 169
The Taurat made known the real identity of the Masih, saying:
Behold the days come, says the Lord, that I will raise unto Dawud a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgement and justice in the earth… and this is the name whereby He shall be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
– Jeremiah 23:5-6
11. Jesus was a Sign and Mercy from Allah
As it is clearly written in the Quran, Allah appointed Isa Al-Masih as the “Sign” and “Mercy” for humanity.
– Suran Maryam 19:21“. . . Thy Lord saith, ‘That is easy for Me: and (We wish) to appoint him [Isa] as a Sign unto men and a Mercy from Us. It is a matter (so) decreed’”.
Also, Everyone is commanded to fear Allah and obey Isa.
“(I have come to you), to attest the Law which was before me. . . I have come to you with a Sign from your Lord. So fear Allah, and obey me”
_ Quran 3:50
12. Only Jesus would die… and predict that he would also come back to life!
I will cause thee to die, and I will raise thee to Me, and I will purify thee of those who believe not. I will set thy followers above the unbelievers till the resurrection Day
– Sura al Imran 55
Those were some amazing ayats.
Of course, we also know that Jesus will come to this world to judge the living and the dead.
The scholar Al-Bukhari confirmed this fact, saying:
The Last Hour will not come until the Son of Mary come down as the just Judge.
In your quote from the Quran, surely you mean that Mariyam said she was not “unchaste” rather than that she was not “unchased”.
“Chaste” means ‘Morally pure in thought or conduct; decent and modest. Not having experienced sexual intercourse; virginal’.
“Chased” could mean ‘sought after’ or ‘desirable’.
Trivial, perhaps, but goes to show what can happen with translations!
Corrected it just now. Thanks Mumtaz.
The mistake must be that we copied the Surah entry from the page onto our computer and the spell-checker chose the word it thought was best.
Our apologies and many thanks for correcting our spelling!
this is very interisting .. i allways knew that there is a siecrt
to this world and this could be the begening.. i would like
too know more??????? ? if what i came up with is right well
this world should be totally defernent from what it is.
i realy am greatfull for u been u hope to see more of u.
This was very helpful thank you.this is very interesting .. i always knew that there is a secret
to this world and this could be the beginning.. i would like
too know more??????? ? if what i came up with is right well
this world should be totally defernent from what it is.
i really am great full for u been u hope to see more of u.
All miracles come through the will of Allah the unique creator who is outside of his creation. Ultimately Jesus peace be upon him was a part of His creation
1. Adam was created from neither man nor woman
2. Eve was created from Adam a man
3. Jesus was created from a woman
4. The rest of humanity comes from a man and a woman
Praise be to Allah the Creator of the Worlds!
Adam was created, Jesus was not created was born. He was there before he was born because He is the Spirit and the Word of Allah. The spirit and the word cannot be created. Jesus is one with Allah. You cannot separate the spirit and the Word of Allah from Allah.
I was given a DVD by a Christian friend and as a converted I have an insight of both, Islam and Christianity. I felt upset with the DVD as it gives the impression that either Allah swt can be the God of the Muslims or the God of the Jews and Christians, so I started one more time to research those parts that mention Isa in the Qur’an and your website has been extremely helpful as it has all the facts people get arguments about at one glance. Now I will give this to my Christian friend and ask her opinion why it cannot be that the Qur’an is right as Isa is mentioned as the Mesiah in it with all is extra divine gifts that none of the other prophets sent by God have had.
You seem to support your claim that Isa (alayhi salaam) is God. Tell me, where else is the Trinity mentioned in the Taurat or Injeel?
Hi Hassan,
Thanks for your comment. Actually, we did not use the word Trinity anywhere in this article. Simply that Isa (pbuh) is the most special prophet and both a Sign and a Word from Allah. You can read the Quran’s own beautiful statements about Isa (pbuh) directly or here in this article.
Trinity is the concept word for the union of the Holy Spirit ( created by God as the Advocate and Helper as spoken by Isa before ascending into Heaven ), Isa Almasih ( God in the physical of man ) and God Himself.
Please clear me as you have said Isa Aleh salam was pure of sins and all prophets did sinned. Are you including prophet Mohammad sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam also?
This seems to be what both the Bible and Quran teach.
Safder So said the Quran
Both the Bible and the Holy Quran agree that Isa (pbuh) is the word of Allah/God
During creation, Allah said Be and it was. Allah uses His word to create.
The Quran and the Bible call Isa the word of Allah/God.
My question is, is Isa the creator or creation?Remember Isa creates a word with clay.
Al bukhari was not an prophet. Please correct this.
Thanks Dawah. We have corrected the article.
In chapter 19 verse 33, the Quaran says that Jesus spoke this:
“So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)”
Does the Quaran teach that Jesus did rise from the dead, or does he mean that he will be taken up to Allah without dying?
for Muslims Isa hasn’t died yet . so it means after he come down to earth and die and then he will raise back from death like any other human for the judgment day
Yes, this is a common misunderstanding. And yet the Injil tells us that Isa would die and rise again. Which happened just as the prophets said it would.
In chapter 19:33 Jesus says:
“So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)”
But it also says in chapter 4 :157 that Jesus was not killed or crucified.
Does the Quaran teach that Jesus rose from the dead or that he didn’t die at all but was taken directly to Allah?
Thank you,
Are you certain that it says “he was not killed” or that it says “they (the Jews who did not believe him) did not kill him”? I believe the verse allows for Isa (pbuh) to have been killed as the Injil describes and as the Taurat prophecies said. The verse describes the Jews celebrating what they think is a victory over Isa (pbuh), when in fact they did not kill him, and they did not win a victory. The Romans are the ones who actually killed him. And because it was part of Allah’s will, in a way it was Allah that killed him. But his death was not final, as the other verses and the Injil make clear, because Isa (pbuh) came back from death.
Isa came from heaven-was sinless- born of virgin- gave breath of life to bird-healed the sick-shared God’s authority-and quran puts him on a par with other prophets who are all sinners and born like all natural humans sinners???
Isa was the lamb sacrifice who came for one sole purpose- to die on a cross for all the sins of mankind.
What an entrance-to come into the world via a virgin-and to willingly die for all our sins so that by His blood we may be cleansed and forgiven as God is Holy and requires blood sacrifice to cleanse/forgive us. God came in Human form so that we can see He can relate with us and because we cannot earn our way into heaven by our own human standards as not good enough-ever but only by the blood of Precious Jesus.